Nova Trendfree

Introducing the Next Gen Digital lenses !
Nova Trendfree is designed with digital lens technology-a sophisticated software programme which calculates precisely each Rx. Nova Trendfree PAL manufacturing includes computerized programme with a diamond cutting tool
Why Nova Trendfree
- Multi soft design compared to traditional lenses.
- Aspheric lens.
- Atoric lens.
- Unique Rx calculations for easy adaptation.
- Three fitting heights. Regular (21), Short (19) and Super Short(17).
lens Feature
- Multi soft design compared to traditional lenses.
- Aspheric lens design at the back-surface of the lens.
- Atoric lens design- aspherised specifically to the base curve of the front
- Two fitting heights
- Unique Rx combinations possible
- Reduced swim and sway.
Wearer's benefit

Wider and clearer vision at near, intermediate and distance.

Thin and light lenses – more aesthetics and comfortable.

Eliminates distortion at the periphery hence offering sharp vision.

Wider choice of frames possible.

Precise and accurate vision.

Easy adaptation for first time progressive wearers and bifocal users.